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1. What Is The Best Way To Get Started?
It takes a little practice to master using your Juicy Twist.  
Do you remember trying a few times before learning
how to ride a bike?   Similarly, after you’ve tried Juicy
Twist a few times, you’ll just begin to realize its nuances
as a new and novel utensil; hopefully, only thereafter to
become a Juicy Twist expert!  It’s best to read the
instructions on the back of the package carefully, or
watch the Live Demo before starting.  Larger sized
citrus fruits, like grapefruits, are easier to learn on.

2. Where On The Fruit Is The Best Place To Insert My
Juicy Twist?

Insert Juicy Twist through the top end of the longest
side of the fruit (vertically tall).

3. Does My Juicy Twist Work On All Oranges?

4. What Citrus Fruits Does My Juicy Twist Work Best On?
Juicy Twist works best on large citrus fruit, but also
works well on lemons, tangerines, and oranges. The
heavier the fruit and thinner the skin, the more juice
it usually contains.

5. Can I Use My Juicy Twist On Small Citrus Fruits?

Yes. Keep in mind as the fruit gets smaller, it becomes
more difficult to twist into it.

6. How Much Of The Juice Am I Able To Extract From The Fruit?
You should be able to extract most of the fruit’s contents,
including its pulp.

7. Is it easy to insert Juicy Twist?
Yes.  When you apply two relatively small, but opposite,
amounts of force to your Juicy Twist during insertion, this
becomes translated into a fairly significant load at the
fruit’s point of application.  This is achieved by means of
an inherent applied moment capability based upon the
length and rigidity of your Juicy Twist.
8. Why Do I Have To Turn The Fruit?
Turning the fruit maximizes juice and
pulp extraction due to Juicytwist’s
inherent  variable angling and depth

9. How do I peel the fruit from the inside?
Peeling from the Inside consists of
mincing pulp  and then sipping off
resident juices
until the fruit becomes
completely “hollowed-out”.  Directions
are includes as Steps 3 and 4 on
the back of your Juicy Twist package.

10. Will I Swallow Pits or Seeds?
No.  The Juicy Twist Stem features
specially sized holes to filter out pits
and seeds; thereby trapping them
within the fruit cavity for later disposal.

11.How Can I Avoid Having The Juice Spill
Out Of My Fruit?
Keep the initial hole as small as
possible when inserting your Juicy
Always be sure to rotate the fruit, not 
your Juicy Twist. This will help minimize
the size of the hole.
Keep the fruit and your Juicy Twist
upright when sipping.
Keep the stopper pressed down while
Avoid pushing your Juicy Twist through
the rind.