Truescans.com is in looking for affiliates to sell its First Lessons in Geometry (FLIG) – Providing an insight into perspectives coursework.
Learn about how FLIG differs from conventional Euclidean practice by clicking on the PROSPECTUS link.
View a 2 minute video on FLIG by clicking on this link:
Instead, if you would prefer to locate such video by using the youtube search engine page, just enter the term “geometric forming” into the youtube.com link to locate the image shown below.

Affiliate payout structure:

Per the above chart, and the following stipulation, any affiliate who causes such coursework to be sold shall receive a single pay out of:
- $100 for each FLIG family plan transaction and/or;
- $300 for each FLIG school plan transaction.
Stipulation – In order to be paid, each affiliate shall acknowledge involvement in such transaction by means of sending an email to webzal_aaspr@truescans.com no later than two days after the funds used to purchase such coursework clear stating:
- How much commission such affiliate expects to be paid;
- The email address which the customer who purchased such coursework used to register; and
- The email address which such affiliate uses for accepting commissions through Paypal.