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Navel:  An orange that yields a large proportion of pulp.

Valencia:  An orange that contains a large proportion
of juice.

Blood:  An orange that is the most cultivated type.

Mandarin:  A type of small orange with loose skin.

Clementine:  A seedless mandarin.

Tangerine:  An orange-red mandarin with a
particular citrus taste.

Minneola:  A cross between a tangerine and a
grapefruit and can be recognized by "the little nose";
a type of Tangelo.

Uglis:  A cross between a tangerine, a grapefruit, and
an orange; a type of Tangelo.

Satsuma:  Has skin that is a bit tighter than the
Clementine; it does not have seeds.


White Grapefruit:  A cross between a Pummelo and
an orange.

Red Grapefruit:
 A grapefruit that is sweeter than a
white grapefruit.

Pummelo:  The father of the grapefruit.

Sweetie:  A cross between the Pummelo and the
grapefruit.  It looks like a green grapefruit, but has a
sweeter taste than a white grapefruit.


Rough-Lemon:  A lemon with a rough skin; round and
bigger then a regular lemon.


Lime:  Shaped like a lemon, but smaller and more acidic.

Leech-Lime:  A bit bigger then a lime with a wart-like


Encouraging a healthy lifestyle is important to your family’s vitality. Juicy Twist helps you promote healthy choices by adding fun into the mix! Whether taking Juicy Twist on the go or using it at home, you are including a fun way to help your family make healthy choices.

Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the link between nutrition and reducing the risk of disease.  While most people know that eating the right foods in the proper amounts is essential for good health, a growing body of evidence suggests that certain foods containing vitamin C, fiber, folate and other vitamins and minerals may be especially beneficial to maintaining personal wellness.

Citrus fruits, which contain essential vitamins and minerals, are an important part of a healthy diet for all men, women and children.  Juicy-sweet oranges, zesty lemons and tangy grapefruits offer simple and flavorful ways to achieve a well-balanced diet.  Citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants, provide vital carbohydrates, and contain very little fat to speak of.

The Whole versus Just the Juice
The concentration of vitamin C in orange pulp is "ten times" that found in the juice.   Heat, including pasteurization, reduces the nutrient content of juice.   Orange juice begins to lose vitamin C (and other nutrients) from the moment it becomes exposed to the atmosphere.  As well, citrus flavonoids, resident in the fruit's tissue, juice, pulp, and skin, are one of the reasons for the health-promoting attributes of citrus fruits.  They represent the essence, so to speak, as to why whole fruit is so much more beneficial than just the juice.   These citrus flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.  They also serve as antimutagenic substances; that is, they help to mitigate the onslaught of cancer and other chronic diseases by frustrating unwanted cell mutation.

Healthy Weight
Citrus fruits are natural sources of potassium; and yet, they are sodium and cholesterol-free.   Research shows that regular exercise along with a balanced diet high in fruit and vegetables and low in fat can help maintain healthy weight.

Glycemic Index Values
Glycemic Index Values characterize how fast, or slowly, digestion occurs.  Lower values apply to carbohydrates which require more time to digest.  Glycemic Index Values range from 0 to 100 and fall into the following categories and ranges:

Low Glycemic Index Foods (GI 54 or less) -- Cause a slower rise in blood-sugar.

Intermediate Glycemic Index Foods (GI 55-69) -- Cause a medium rise in blood-glucose.

High Glycemic Index Foods (GI 70+) -- Cause a rapid rise in blood-glucose levels

Citrus fruit, due to its high acidity, helps slow gastric emptying.  This affinity for protracting digestion, just the opposite of "burning foods fast", is synonymous with a so-called "preservation", or conservation of energy in people!  As you then can go for longer periods of time while eating less, hunger is put off.   Hence, a staple citrus regimen is useful for dieting.

Glycemic Index values for various fruits and fruit juices, along with their respective acidity levels are listed below.  Notice how whole citrus fruits exhibit lower overall GI values than their respective fruit juices.  The disparity appears to be greatest for grapefruits; meaning you get much more nutrition by consuming the entire fruit, as opposed to just drinking its juice.


Instead of expensive, sugary drinks,
enjoy healthy, natural goodness with JuicyTwist.


Enjoy the seasons with a variety of
mouth-watering citrus fruits from
oranges and tangelos to grapefruits.
Citrus fruits are a rich source of
vitamin C and fiber. They are also
packed with a variety of vitamins and
minerals that are essential to your
overall nutritional well-being.

Juicy Twist is the healthy, fun way to
get the full benefit from nature's
vitamins without added sugar or
preservatives.  There is nothing better
than drinking your juice Fresh from
the Fruit!

Heart Disease
The Food and Drug Administration has concluded that diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.  Furthermore, low fat diets high in fruits and vegetables containing fiber, including soluble fiber, may reduce the at risk of heart disease. Citrus fruit and their juices are fat-free and cholesterol-free, and citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit are high in fiber.

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute have long maintained that a low-fat diet high in vitamin C-rich foods may help reduce the risk of some types of cancer.

Whole Oranges
      GI Value -- 31 to 51,   Average 42
               pH -- 4.35 (Low acidic)

           GI Value -- Probably in the low 30's
                     pH -- 11.50 (Least acidic)

           GI Value -- Probably in the 40's
                     pH -- 3.90

          Orange Juice
                GI Value -- 46 to 53
                          pH -- 3.4 to 3.6

Whole Grapefruits:
      GI Value -- 25
                pH -- 3.0 to 3.3 fresh grapefruit;
                                             otherwise 3.38

          Grapefruit Juice
                GI Value -- 48
                          pH -- 3.0, Fresh sq., unsweetened;  
                                            otherwise 3.2 to 3.4

Whole Lemons
      GI Value -- Not accorded
                pH -- 2.30 (Most acidic)

Whole Limes
      GI Value -- Not accorded
                pH -- 2.40 (High acidic)

Now, with JuicyTwist you can drink straight from the lemon and lime!  This is especially useful for clearing nasal passages when experiencing a cold.

Specific Health Benefits of Grapefruits

From bolstering your immune system -- to brightening your smile -- to giving your skin that youthful glow, Grapefruit and Grapefruit juice pack a Powerful Punch!

Facts on the Goodness of Grapefruits:

  • Fight Iron Deficiency. About 16 percent of U.S. women and 40 to 80 percent of women in developing countries are iron deficient. Consuming citrus fruits like grapefruit juice can help boost the absorption of non-heme iron (the iron found in plants, not meat products). Meaning, if you drink a glass of grapefruit juice before eating a spinach salad your body absorbs two to four times as much iron.
  • Strengthen Your Immune System.  When you feel that tickle in the back of your throat and you have the sniffles, it's important to give your body the fluids and nutrients it craves to stay healthy. A serving of grapefruit or grapefruit juice provides more than 100 percent of the daily value for vitamin C, which supports a healthy immune system.
  • Brighten Your Smile, Improve Your Skin.  Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for healthy skin and gums. Vitamin C helps build collagen, skin strength and elasticity. Just one daily glass of grapefruit juice supplies all the vitamin C you need.
  • Lower Cholesterol.  Grapefruits contains a high level of pectin fiber which maintains healthy cholesterol levels.
  • Fight Disease.  An antioxidant, vitamin C neutralizes "free radicals" that many scientists believe cause cell damage that may contribute to the development of chronic illnesses like heart disease and cancer. Grapefruit gives you 110% of the current daily value of vitamin C.
  • Prevent Cancer.  Pink and Ruby Red grapefruit contain Lycopene which is associated with decreasing the risk of ovarian cancer, predominantly in pre-menopausal women, and alleviating other forms of cancer. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant that also may prevent heart disease, the number one killer of women today.
  • Make You Sassy.  Recent research suggests that grapefruit juice reduces bloating and fatigue making you feel better than ever.

"Grapefruit Goodness" and its Effect on Women
It's delicious. It's sassy. And, it's full of healthy goodness for women of all ages. Many of women's health and lifestyle concerns can be remedied by adding grapefruit to their diet.

Grapefruit Goodness:  With the onset of PMS, increase your daily intake of grapefruit juice as recent studies have found that grapefruits can help to reduce bloating and common fatigue experienced by many women.

Grapefruit Goodness:  Grapefruit and grapefruit juice are sources of nutrients including vitamin A, folate, thiamin, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus which will help to strengthen your body for pregnancy and keep you healthy throughout.

Grapefruit Goodness:  Grapefruit and grapefruit juice are fat free and have only 60 calories per serving. The Grapefruit Diet has proved that by eating a half of a grapefruit with every meal or drinking 3 servings of grapefruit juice a day will help you to lose weight. Grapefruit is also high in fiber and water which are key to maintaining a healthy weight.

Grapefruit Goodness:  Studies have shown that vitamin C may help build collagen in your skin, therefore reducing lines and wrinkles. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice have more than a day's worth of vitamin C and will help to keep you looking as young as you feel.

Grapefruit Goodness:  Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in the United States. Florida grapefruit was the first fresh produce item to receive the American Heart Association heart-check mark - designating foods low in sodium, cholesterol and fat. Having a glass of grapefruit juice or a fresh grapefruit everyday will help keep your heart healthy.